“It doesn’t matter where you’ve come from, or where you are on life’s journey—you are welcome here in our Meetinghouse of worship; we invite you to participate with our community at prayer.”
After worshiping with us and participating in the life of the church for a time, we hope you will become interested in full membership as an expression of your commitment to continue deepening your relationship with this community as we all grow in our relationships with God. At that point, we invite you to attend our New Member Enquirer’s Classes.
At these classes, we will spend some time getting to know one another by sharing responses to questions like: Did you grow up going to church, or not? What drew you to this church? etc., and naming any questions you hope to have answered in your decision-making process around membership.
You’ll get an overview of our history and theological convictions in the United Church of Christ. And finally, you’ll learn about our local church’s structure—the Boards, Committees, Ministry Teams, who does what, and how you can find a place to contribute. We’ll also discuss the privileges and commitments our members make. This meeting typically takes place at least 2-3 weeks prior to “New Member Sunday”, so that there’s at least a week for participants to make their final decision regarding becoming a full member.
In general, our members commit to personal growth in faith and their experience of God in Christian community by pledging to:
- Worship together regularly, sharing the loving presence of God and offering praise and prayer in community
- Learn and grow in faith by taking part in our various education and faith formation programs for all ages
- Discern which gifts we are called to offer, and share our time, talents, and leadership in the ministries of the church
- Serve the world and our community by ministries of compassion, justice, and self-giving
- Pray for each other, for our church, and for our world
- Give of our financial resources in support of the mission and ministries of our church, and assist in the budgeting process by committing to a good-faith estimate of giving each year
- Get involved in the discernment and decision-making activities about our community’s life, resources, and future
- Receive and share kindness, love, and Christ-like care
- Delight in fellowship and relationship with our sisters and brothers in faith and community
We hope that you will find here a place that inspires, challenges, and engages your spirit so compellingly that you look forward to becoming a full member of our community! Click HERE for the New Member Form. Contact churchoffice@hollischurch.org if you would like to learn more about becoming a member and/or participating in our New Member Enquirer’s Class. There is additional information about membership in the The Congregational Church Bylaws.
The Congregational Church of Hollis is a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination. Go to “What is the UCC?” page for more information about the UCC denomination.
Click HERE for the New Member Liturgy recited by new members during the New Member Sunday service.