Pastor Tanya Stormo Rasmussen
Rev. Tanya Stormo Rasmussen was called to lead our congregation in 2015. She grew up in the Reformed tradition, was ordained in 1995, and has served a variety of congregations in the United Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church, and the United Church of Christ, in Illinois, Massachusetts, Denmark, Sweden, England, and now New Hampshire.
Rev. Tanya is passionate about Christian education and faith formation, helping each individual—regardless of profile or background—understand that they are precious to God, and equipped to be a unique minister of divine grace and love. She’s totally committed to “widening the welcome.”
In her free time, she enjoys hiking and walks in the woods, practicing yoga and Pilates, meeting up with friends for coffee, listening to NPR, and cooking for & spending time with her family.
Rev. Tanya and her husband, Joel, are proud to be the parents of Krister, Phineas, and Eli, and two Labradoodles called Huckleberry and Wicket. They live in Hollis.
When you call or visit the church office, you will be greeted by Cindy Ryherd or Lynn Goldberg on Wednesdays, and Eileen Widner on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Cindy, Lynn and Eileen maintain the church calendar and schedule events. Cindy and Lynn edit the weekly bulletin, while Eileen does the monthly newsletter and maintains the church website. Contact Cindy, Lynn or Eileen with general questions, to schedule an event, or to submit an article for the weekly bulletin (by Wednesday noon) or the monthly newsletter (by the 15th of the month preceding publication)
Eileen Widner
A Connecticut native, Eileen has lived in Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania – but has called New Hampshire and the Congregational Church of Hollis ‘home’ since 1996. Eileen joined the church staff in 1998. She enjoys playing flute, quilting, and being Grandma to grandsons Gordon and Calvin. Eileen can be reached at churchoffice@hollischurch.org.

Eileen Widner

Kim Burton, Christian Education Superintendent
With a degree in early childhood education, Kim Burton has held numerous teaching positions in the field of early childhood ed, including child daycare, martial arts instruction, and children’s fitness and daycare instruction. Kim is an active and enthusiastic individual who enjoys fitness, arts and crafts, travel, cooking, and of course spending time with family and friends.
Kim lives in Hollis with her husband John and two children, Everett and Hannah, and has been an active member of the Hollis Congressional Church since 2008.

Julie Oliver, Director of Christian Music
Julie Oliver is excited to be joining the Congregational Church of Hollis as Director of Christian Music.
A native of Florida, Julie has lived in New Hampshire for over 30 years and is a music specialist with the Nashua School District. She also co-directs the Nashua Interfaith Choir and is the conductor of Zimria. Julie has spent many years working in professional theater – most specifically as Music Director at the Palace Theatre in Manchester and as Director of Youth Programming at the Ogunquit Playhouse in Maine. She is the former director of the Souhegan Valley Chorus and has served at several local churches.
Of all the musical experiences, though, leading others in lifting hearts to God is a where her heart sings it’s loudest!
Walking around the church, you may run into John Balfour. Working at various times and days, John is the custodian and is in charge of making sure everything is clean and running smoothly. Contacting John can be done by leaving a note with Eileen or Sue in the church office.
John is a native of Bedford, MA. He has lived in New Hampshire since 1963 and moved to Hollis in 1966 when there were only 2200 people and also twelve dairy farms (now all gone!) He has part of the custodial staff at the church since 1996. His hobbies are woodworking, gardening, canoeing, hiking and especially Hollis Brookline Volleyball, which was founded by the famous “Coach Becky” (his daughter-in-law) and that his family is very involved in.