The Jim and Jan Squires Community Patio is a vibrant venue for community activities. This gathering space is prominently located on the east side of the church at the corner of Monument Square and Broad Street. As a tribute to the Squires’ commitment to community, the patio is a place where neighbors can meet neighbors and where townspeople can welcome out-of-towners.
Jim and Jan Squires settled in Hollis in 1971 and have been active members of the community ever since. They raised four children in the local public schools and attend the Congregational Church of Hollis. As firm believers in public service, they both served our community, many local organizations, and the State of New Hampshire in numerous capacities.
The patio naming opportunity has been valued at $250,000 due to its highly visible location as the centerpiece of the church renovation. In line with their belief of giving back to the community, a value which Jan and Jim instilled in their children, the Squires family has generously gifted over half the cost for the patio hoping to inspire others to invest in our community by donating generously in Jan and Jim’s honor.
Click HERE for more information about Jim & Jan Squires
and the patio in their honor.
November 14th
Jim & Jan Squires Patio Dedication!
On a crisp fall day, the Congregational Church of Hollis, U.C.C., celebrated the opening of its new community patio with a private dedication and thanks to Dr. Squires and his family. The Jim and Jan Squires Community Patio honors long-time residents, Dr. James (“Jim”) and Jan Squires. Dr. and Mrs. Squires have been pillars of the community since moving to Hollis in 1971.
Firm believers in public service, both were actively involved in many community organizations. As a general surgeon, Jim helped to found the Matthew Thornton Health Plan, the state’s first HMO, which grew to serve more than 60,000 individuals. He has remained a consistent and effective non-partisan voice for health policies to reduce the burden of illness for NH residents.
The patio was conceived by a team of visionaries at the church who recognized an opportunity to improve the facilities while addressing a legal need for fire safety. Designed by Dennis Mires of the Architects, and installed by local business, Morin’s Landscaping, who also generously donated a lawn sprinkler system, the Squires Community Patio is intended to be a vibrant venue for town activities, and a welcoming spot for the community to enjoy fellowship with neighbors.
Jim and Jan’s son, Marc Squires, shared during the dedication, “The patio truly looks like it has been here forever which is an amazing testament to the care and the work that went into this. The thought of having this community space for everyone to use in the church and in the town and the memories that will be made here is more special than my family could ever articulate.”
The patio is part of a larger renovation being undertaken on the nearly 100-year old church building. In order to further its efforts to welcome more non-profit community-building groups and increase outreach to local charities such as the Nashua Soup Kitchen, the church looks forward to operating a new commercial kitchen, and making available to groups revitalized indoor spaces. The church’s reach extends beyond Hollis to supporting over 30 organizations in the greater Nashua area including food pantries, homeless shelters, crisis centers and more.
Donations are still being sought to cover the remaining gap as fundraising efforts were compromised by the pandemic. The church recognizes that for many during these difficult times it’s impossible to contribute (and in fact, they are here to help those in need), but for those interested and able to support this community improvement, they are gratefully accepting donations at www.DonateHollisChurch.org. To find out more about this project, visit www.SquiresPatio.org. All are invited and encouraged to enjoy the new space. A public patio celebration is scheduled for the spring.
Community Patio Dedication Videos
Highlight Video
Complete Video
Community Patio Dedication Photos

June 10th Groundbreaking of the
Jim & Jan Squires Community Patio!
Work has begun at the Congregational Church of Hollis on a project to bring community together.
Plans include a community patio that honors long-time residents and volunteers Jim and Jan Squires. Jim and Jan settled in Hollis in 1971 and have been active members of the community ever since. As firm believers in public service, both were actively involved in many community organizations over the years. As a general surgeon, Jim helped to found the Matthew Thornton Health Plan, the state’s first HMO, which grew to service more than 60,000 individuals and was a consistent and effective non-partisan voice for health policies to reduce the burden of illness for NH residences.
The Jim and Jan Squires Community Patio is designed to be a vibrant venue for community activities such as the strawberry festival and simply a spot where neighbors can meet neighbors and townspeople can welcome out-of-towners. As Jim and Jan’s son, Marc Squires, shared, “Our mom and dad instilled the importance of community in all of us, and the Congregational Church, both literally and figuratively, was at the center. Imagining this patio as a place to gather and bring our church and extended community together is so deeply meaningful to us.”
In addition to construction of the patio, the project will bring the nearly 100-year-old building up to code with improved fire safety access, an ADA bathroom and a commercial kitchen. According to Ed Wigfield, Chair of the Building Committee, “With these improvements, the church will be able to welcome more non-profits to use our space as well as make and deliver meals for other organizations such as Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter and the senior population. This includes helping even in a pandemic situation, allowing family members who are isolating together to use the commercial kitchen to safely cook for others.”
The church’s reach extends beyond Hollis to supporting groups in the greater Nashua area. We provide widespread community support through donations to over 30 organizations including food pantries, homeless shelters, crisis centers and more. Church members provide community outreach by preparing meals, holding blood drives, delivering food boxes, and participating in Habitat for Humanity house builds. The church also provides gathering space for organizations such as the Scouts and 12-Step support groups, festivals, and life events such as weddings and funerals.
“The Church is extremely excited about this project. When the pandemic passes, people will be hungry for community! We have seen this already with our online church services with close to 100 participants on a weekly basis,” said Wigfield.
The church has raised over 80% of funds necessary to complete this project. They recognize for many during these difficult times it’s impossible to contribute (and in fact, they are here to help those in need), but for those interested in this community improvement, and able, they are gladly and gratefully accepting donations (click HERE to donate). Rev. Tanya Stormo Rasmussen assures, “It goes without saying that ALL in the community will always be welcome to enjoy the patio or any part of the church and we look forward to seeing people gather both formally and informally upon completion. We will be ready when the community is ready!”
Community Patio Groundbreaking Photos

Marc Squires, Ed Wigfied, Rev. Tanya Stormo Rasmussen, and Dr. Jim Squires (sitting) all representing the Congregational Church of Hollis, Joe Hall and Tom Morin of Morin’s Landscaping, Mark Goldstein of Milestone Engineering & Construction, Dennis Mires of The Architects, and Scott Gardner of Milestone Engineering & Construction