Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant!
Psalm 135:3
At the Congregational Church of Hollis, our worship services are inspirational, meaningful, and welcoming to all. Rev. Tanya’s thought-provoking sermons stay with you throughout your week, and the music is rich in talent, enthusiasm and variety filling our hearts with joy and leaving us feeling that much closer to God! We recognize and celebrate two sacraments: baptism and communion. We do not set age limits on who may come for baptism (we baptize infants through elderly adults). Similarly, following the radical inclusiveness of Jesus Christ, we welcome everyone to the communion table. Communion is on the first Sunday of each month.
For those planning a wedding we believe that God blesses all committed, covenanted loving unions, and our celebration of marriage is open to all. If you are suffering the loss and grief of the death of someone precious, the Congregational Church of Hollis is prepared to walk with you through that often-difficult time in life’s journey, offering our support, guidance, and Christ’s love for your funeral or memorial service.