Tending to our faith formation as adults is at least as important as the education and faith formation that was provided for us as children. As adults, we are more aware of the complex nature of faith questions, and the many different shapes faith takes across a lifetime as it lives, grows, and responds to life’s experiences and encounters. At the Congregational Church of Hollis, we welcome your curiosity about how Christian faith helps us to “live the questions.” And, we encourage you to share your own experiences as we learn from one another about how our own faith has provided answers.
A sampling of the Adult Education/Faith Formation classes we have recently held include:
- Bible 101 – a quick overview of the Bible: its history, formation, and stories
- Lectionary Bible Study series – a look at next Sunday’s Bible lectionary texts
- Living the Questions: An Introduction to Progressive Christianity
- The Jesus Fatwah: Love Your (Muslim) Neighbor – a 6-week introduction to the faith of Islam
- “An Introduction to Islam by One of Our Muslim Neighbors” – an evening presentation by a Muslim friend of our congregation
- “What Is White Privilege?” – a four-week series
- “Celebrating Abundance” – an Advent series based on Walter Brueggemann’s devotional book by the same title
- “Embracing an Adult Faith: What it Means to be Christian” – a five-session study exploring key faith issues that concern 21st-century Christians
- Bible Study on Acts Chapters 1-6 – a six-week series