Jesus said, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”

(Mark 16:15)


… is the guiding affirmation from which our church’s growth and future is to be directed. “Our Church’s Common Commission” is a statement we recite at the end of every worship service and captures the essence of our God-given mission: we are called to be in ministry to the world.

Our Common Commission:

Let us now go forth into the world in peace, being of good courage, holding fast to that which is good, rendering to no one evil for evil, strengthening the faint-hearted, supporting the weak,helping the afflicted, honoring all persons, loving and serving the Lord,  and rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Represented by the four pillars of our church, our faith formation and mission are fulfilled in four important ways:


We strive to be welcoming to all across the spectrum of what gives us our identity, recognizing each individual as a beloved child of God. We bond through worship and fellowship, respecting, accepting and embracing one another independent of where we are on life’s journey, so all may know they belong to the body of Christ.

We strive to create an atmosphere that welcomes new ideas, is open to learning from differing points of view, and encourages each one to share their personal gifts and experience.


Our Christian convictions and faith are regularly expressed in the context of worship as we read Scripture and proclaim the Gospel through preaching, hymns, prayers, the celebration of communion sacrament, and fellowship.


Education is the cornerstone in the understanding and appreciation of Christ’s teachings, and we grow as we continue to nurture spiritual growth. In addition to providing children’s education and youth programs, we are committed to providing ongoing learning about how faith is relevant to our daily living.

Our journey in Christian discipleship involves a personal responsibility to interpret the teachings of Christ through reflection, prayer, and worship, and the need to disseminate these teachings through action so that God’s message can be seen and understood by others. One component of these teachings is to accept and cherish all individuals irrespective of where they are on life’s journey. We commit to our personal and collective growth, recognizing our failures as we attempt to live by Christ’s teachings, asking for forgiveness, and striving to improve.


Service is the outward manifestation of our inward commitment to God’s teachings and the active demonstration of our Common Commission. We believe our church is strengthened when we find opportunities to support the homeless, feed the hungry, heal the sick, and care for our neighbors, our congregation and our church. We promote service as a Christian calling and responsibility for everyone and provide encouragement and support to each individual to discover an area of service that animates them. We believe that we are all called upon to graciously and humbly give of our time, talent, and treasure as often and generously as possible.