Thank you to all who were able to join us at the
Virtual Housewarming Party on November 15th!

It gave us great joy to be able to celebrate with everyone.
We hope you had fun, too, and thank you for helping to fill our new spaces with fresh items!


To select items to donate please click below:

Housewarming Party Epic “Sneak Peek” Video

If you were unable to attend the virtual housewarming party, or if you need to see it again(!),
below is the EPIC new “sneak peek” video starring dozens of congregants.

(Special thanks to Randy Forgaard and his amazing video editing capabilities,
and to the dozens of congregants/actors who were great sports in shooting green screen scenes!)

BOV Housewarming Zoom Party Video

If you were unable to attend the virtual housewarming party,
below is the video of the Zoom party recording.