By Cindy Ryherd

This month, the “Room Names” series ends with Hardy (Parish) Hall.

Hardy Hall

Hardy Hall (originally called Hardy Parish Hall) was dedicated in 1925 upon the completion of the construction of our current church building (the previous Meetinghouse having burned down in 1923). It is named in memory and honor of Phineas Hardy, one of the earliest settlers of Hollis (living in Hollis from 1751 until his death in 1813), who was an important early member of the church. The March 2021 …And the Rest is History provides a detailed and interesting history of Phineas Hardy and his descendants all the way through the current day with the Hardy family who owns and runs Brookdale Fruit Farm. For those who missed the March 2021 edition or would like a refresher, please go to to read it.

Click “And the Rest is History… Room Names – Part VII – Hardy Hall” to read my full article about the history of Hardy Hall, including some personal Hardy Hall memories from current church members, and to view the MANY photos of Hardy Hall events, celebrations, and activities through the years!

© 2023 The Congregational Church of Hollis, UCC